About Us

We are in an exciting time as a Church

With a rich history of ministering in Milton, we are dreaming again as to what it would mean to have a vibrant worshiping community out of 900 Nipissing Rd. This means that many of our ministries are being rebuilt and strengthened. We welcome you to come along and join us in the journey towards revitalization. 

Our Ministries

We look forward to restarting many of our ministries in Fall 2024.

Kids & Youth

We believe our children are the future of the church. 

Small Groups

We have a small group that meets on Wednesday's at 7:00pm

Church Potlucks

Once a quarter we gather as a church to share a meal together.

Men & Women

We try and meet once a quarter to encourage one another 

Our Core Beliefs

We hold to the historic teachings of Christian orthodoxy as articulated in the Apostles Creed. We also are in fellowship with the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec. For an extensive look at what we believe, you can click the button below. 

Our Pastor

Pastor Jordan

Pastor Jordan has been married to Rachel for 8 years and they have three children together. Jordan has over 10 years experience ministering in Milton and is passionate about seeing Halton region reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jordan recently joined us in a part time bi-vocational role. He also works full time at Impactus - a Christian ministry that aims to reach and encourage men. 

In his spare time you might find him: 
🪑 flipping furniture
🥋 training brazillian jiu jitsu
🍜 trying the latest restaurant in Milton

If you'd like to connect with him, don't hesitate to reach out below
We are a Christian community committed to seeing the fame and deeds of God made known in our day.Together, we are being formed to live more like Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our Story

Read all about how God's has been faithful to us...

A Dream Begins

In 1978 and 1979, the Guelph Association and the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec (CBOQ) made a pivotal decision to establish a new church in Milton. This initiative marked the beginning of a significant journey for the local community.

The planning committee began meeting to discuss the logistics and plans for the new church.